
Eat Healthy, Live Fully!

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Food waste: effective recovery and recycling strategies

Food waste represents a serious problem for both the environment and the economy. Every year, millions of tons of organic waste are sent to landfills, where they decompose and emit greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. This not only worsens the environmental situation but also leads to the loss of valuable resources that could…

Discover Food
Пищевые отходы
Tino Rino
This insightful article emphasizes that effective weight loss for men goes beyond calorie counting; it's…
Trevor Mic
This vibrant Cabbage and Corn Salad combines the crispness of Napa cabbage, the sweetness of…

Popular diets in 2024

In recent years, interest in a healthy lifestyle has significantly increased, and this has inevitably affected the popularity of various diets, particularly popular diets such as the Mediterranean diet, known for its balance and heart-healthy fats. In 2024, as the world increasingly strives for sustainable and conscious nutrition, popular diets stand out for their popularity…

Discover Food
Popular diets in 2024
Tino Rino
This insightful article emphasizes that effective weight loss for men goes beyond calorie counting; it's…
Trevor Mic
This vibrant Cabbage and Corn Salad combines the crispness of Napa cabbage, the sweetness of…

The best diet of 2023

Greetings! As an experienced dietitian, I am keenly interested in the latest trends in the world of nutrition and health. Today, I want to share some amazing news: American dietitians have named the best diet of 2023. This isn’t just a trend, but a scientifically backed approach to nutrition that promises real benefits for your…

Discover Food
Лучшая диета 2023 года
Tino Rino
This insightful article emphasizes that effective weight loss for men goes beyond calorie counting; it's…
Trevor Mic
This vibrant Cabbage and Corn Salad combines the crispness of Napa cabbage, the sweetness of…

Lenten buckwheat cutlets

As a professional dietitian, I recommend buckwheat patties as a tasty and healthy dish suitable for a nutritious diet. Buckwheat is an excellent source of slow carbohydrates, protein, and microelements, making it an ideal product for vegetarian and dietary cuisines. Ingredients: Caloric Content: The total caloric content of all ingredients is approximately 1185 kcal. The…

Lenten buckwheat cutlets
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
Рыбное суфле из хека

Dietary fish soufflé from hake

Welcome to my culinary page!…
Baked pollock

Baked pollock in milk-protein sauce…

As a professional dietitian, I…
Dietary pilaf

Diet pilaf, recipe for proper…

I bring to your attention…
Диетический борщ

Dietary borscht with boiled beef

As a professional chef-dietitian, I…

Fermented foods are the key to gut health

For centuries, fermented products have played a key role in the diets of various cultures around the world. Delving deeper into the subject, I’ve come to realize that their value lies not only in their unique taste but also in their outstanding health benefits. In this article, I want to share knowledge about fermented products,…

Определение ферментированных продуктов

Преимущества здорового питания

Ешьте здоровую пищу, будьте здоровы
Functional drinks

Functional Beverages: Trends and Innovations…

Functional beverages are not just a trendy fad but a crucial part of modern diets…
Personalized Nutrition

Personalized Nutrition as a Path…

Personalized nutrition is an approach that offers individualized dietary recommendations based on genetics, lifestyle, and…
снижение потребления соли

How to reduce salt intake:…

Reducing salt intake is significant for public health. High sodium consumption is one of the…
Здоровые методы приготовления пищи

Healthy cooking

Healthy cooking methods are becoming increasingly popular in modern society. They not only help preserve…
Body Mass Index (BMI)

Upper limit of normal weight…

Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indicator used to assess the relationship between a person’s…

1000 calorie diet, weekly menu

The 1000-calorie diet is a strict low-calorie diet aimed at significant weight loss in a short period. It involves consuming only 1000 calories per day, which is substantially less than the usual daily requirement for most people. The main principle of this diet is creating a calorie deficit, which stimulates the body to use stored…

Диета 1000 калорий