
Eat Healthy, Live Fully!

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Functional Beverages: Trends and Innovations in 2024

Functional beverages are not just a trendy fad but a crucial part of modern diets aimed at enhancing health and well-being. Their popularity has significantly increased in recent years, and 2024 is no exception. These drinks promise not only to quench thirst but also to provide various health benefits. Key Ingredients in Functional Beverages Prebiotics and Probiotics: Gut Health Benefits…

Personalized Nutrition as a Path to Optimal Health

Personalized nutrition is an approach that offers individualized dietary recommendations based on genetics, lifestyle, and the unique physiological characteristics of each person. The importance of this approach is increasing in light of modern research, which confirms that the same product can have different effects on different people. Genetic tests play a key role in this process, helping to determine which…

How to reduce salt intake: practical tips and WHO recommendations

Reducing salt intake is significant for public health. High sodium consumption is one of the primary causes of cardiovascular diseases, which are leading causes of mortality worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), reducing salt in the diet can significantly decrease the risk of developing hypertension and other related diseases. Health policies in many countries include programs aimed at…

Healthy cooking

Healthy cooking methods are becoming increasingly popular in modern society. They not only help preserve nutrients and vitamins in food but also contribute to reducing the calorie content of dishes. It is important to understand that proper cooking methods play a key role in preventing various diseases. For instance, using a steamer or stewing helps retain more minerals and beneficial…

Upper limit of normal weight based on body mass index

Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indicator used to assess the relationship between a person's weight and height. It is one of the key tools in medical practice for determining normal weight, overweight, and obesity. BMI is calculated using a formula based on the ratio of weight to the square of height. This parameter was first proposed by Adolphe Quetelet…
Опубликовано в Health

Choline in nutrition, an important element of a healthy diet

Choline, also known as vitamin B4, is an important substance that plays a key role in keeping our body healthy. Choline is not a real vitamin, but its importance for our body is comparable to B vitamins. This substance performs numerous functions necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. In this article, we will take a closer look…

Adaptogens and the Influence of Food on Hormones and Neurotransmitters

When I first learned about adaptogens, this word seemed incredibly complex to me. However, since I began studying how plants like ginseng, eleuthero, and holy basil can affect my health, my perspective has changed. Adaptogens are special herbs and plants that help my body adapt to stress and changes. They play a key role in regulating stress levels and hormonal…

Plant-based diet, your path to a healthy lifestyle

In our rapidly changing world, where health and the environment are becoming increasingly prioritized, plant-based products hold a special place. In my opinion, choosing vegetarianism or veganism is not just a fashionable trend but a conscious step towards improving personal well-being and the health of the planet. Transitioning to a plant-based diet is not only about giving up meat and…

How much coffee can you drink every day

There is no doubt that coffee is not just a drink, but a cultural phenomenon that has captured the hearts of millions. From early morning cups that help us wake up to evening gatherings with friends in cozy cafes, coffee is everywhere. It not only invigorates but also connects people, being part of many traditions and rituals. However, despite its…

Use of medicinal plants in food

In my practice as a dietitian and nutritionist, I often focus on the deeply rooted tradition of using medicinal plants as food. This tradition spans millennia: our distant ancestors, lacking access to modern medicine, actively used medicinal plants to treat and strengthen health. From ancient Greece and China to the indigenous tribes of America—each culture had its knowledge of the…