
Eat Healthy, Live Fully!

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How lack of sleep contributes to obesity

Recent studies conducted by American experts in biochemistry and molecular biology have revealed a surprising link between regular sleep deprivation and weight gain. During an experiment involving 15 healthy young men, they were allowed to sleep without restrictions for the first week, simulating a state of complete rest. Then, the conditions changed: for the next 10 days, they were allowed…

Sweet Poison: The Harm of Carbonated Water to the Body

Greetings, dear readers! My extensive experience in the field of dietetics and nutrition has inspired me to share information on a topic that affects many of us – the consumption of sweet soda. In this article, I will tell you about the impact of this habit on our health and share valuable advice. One of the key questions we will…

Metabolism in the human body

Welcome to the fascinating world of the basal metabolic rate (BMR), a key process at the core of our body's functioning. In this article, we will delve into understanding the topic of metabolism and unveil its fundamental significance in maintaining the energy balance within our bodies. Basal metabolism is a complex set of chemical reactions occurring in every cell of…

Body mass index – balance weight and health

History and meaning of body mass index Greetings, dear readers! Today, I want to share important information about a highly significant aspect of your health - Body Mass Index, or BMI. In the world of dietetics and nutrition, where every step matters, BMI stands out. Let's dive together into the world of numbers that can unveil much about your physical…

Water norm per day for a person

Hello, friends! Today, I would like to share important information with you, such as the recommended daily water intake for a person. Water is not just a liquid we drink to quench our thirst; it plays a crucial role in our diet and is of immense significance to our bodies. In this article, I will explain the importance of water…

Plant-based diet – meat-free diet

Plant-based nutrition is becoming increasingly popular among individuals seeking a healthier lifestyle and improved dietary habits. The shift away from meat towards a plant-based diet can bring numerous health benefits and positively impact the environment. However, many people wonder how to balance their diet without meat and ensure they get all the necessary nutrients. In this article, we will explore…

Drinks that quench your thirst and keep you healthy

Proper hydration plays a crucial role in our overall physical and mental well-being. When thirst strikes, it's essential to choose beverages that quench our thirst without compromising our health. In this article, we'll explore drinks that satisfy thirst while being excellent choices for maintaining hydration and general wellness. Water Water stands as the ideal beverage for quenching thirst. It contains…

Protein – the building blocks for health and fitness

How Protein Is Produced Protein can be obtained from various sources, including plant-based and animal products. The protein production process depends on the source and may involve the following stages: Extraction    For plant-based products like soy, peas, or buckwheat, protein is extracted from raw materials using specialized technologies. For animal sources like milk or eggs, protein can be obtained through…

Healthy nutrition for children – advice from a nutritionist.

Healthy eating plays a crucial role in the development and growth of children. Well-balanced nutrition provides essential nutrients that contribute to the physical and mental development of children. In this article, we will provide dietary advice to help you ensure healthy eating for your children. The Importance of Varied Diets for Children Dietary diversity is a key aspect of children's…